Can someone actually get red out of their ledger? Can they repair their wrongs and find healing?
Licensed therapist Jonathan Decker and filmmaker Alan Seawright talk about Natasha Romanoff’s (Black Widow’s) journey to try to get red out of her ledger, as she moves from assassin to hero to healer. They discuss how we can each right some of the wrongs in our lives and make changes and amends. For Natasha it included becoming an Avenger, dedicating her life to helping people (like freeing the other widows, including her sister Yelena played absolutely brilliantly by Florence Pugh), and eventually finding peace with herself and giving her life. Thanks for making Alan cry again, ScarJo. And for giving him an opportunity to go toe-to-toe with David Harbour to compare their Russian accents and beards.
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A Nightmare on Elm Street (2025) Reboot - TEASER TRAILER (4K) Robert Englund, Freddy Krueger
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