He’s Getting Old, And One Day Wake Up He Found Himself Being Left In Street. It’s Extreme Hot!

He’s Getting Old, And One Day Wake Up He Found Himself Being Left In Street. It’s Extreme Hot! Billy Boy was found in a terrible state by the team after someone driving a car hit him and ran away. He had clearly had a horrible life with no one to look out for him, the day the team found him he was laying out in 35 degree heat with a matted coat and a horrendous head trauma. It was touch and go for our Billy Boy with his head injury there were concerns of more serious underlying damage but after having his eye removed he has made a good recovery! Credit to: Katie Towndrow & Sadie Team Account name Sadies Stray Dog Rescue Sort code 23-14-70 Account number 38622058 IBAN GB19 TRWI 2314 7038 6220 58 PayPal address Info@ #ElderDog, #DogAbandoned, #Themoho ------------------------------------------------------ You Love Animal Videos? Subscribe To Us Here: Facebook:
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