In the first part, the principle of Ritam is revealed - truths inside you.
Ganesh removing all the obstacles in the way is Bhagavan Sathya Sai Baba. Due to the insufficiency of the previous experience, people react to spiritual events in connection with their ideas and cannot explain the inner state of another. The people of this dark age, Kali, have become so accustomed to deception that they react to the appearance of one or another kind person as deception and even without looking can pass by. We have been in darkness for so long that we can simply disbelieve the existence of Light. People are used to the fact that a good person is weak, and a bad one is strong. And it was Sai Baba who destroyed this illusory view, uniting in himself a strong man, walking through goodness, love, peace and non-violence, and without any flaws. Sai Baba destroyed this program so that spiritual people were not alone, saying that spirituality does not imply solitude. Sai Baba showed that the reward for good deeds comes and that the good to be right. Sai Baba showed that it is possible to be in the world, but not of this world and win. Sai Baba is the only reason why our world still exists ...
Sai Baba is not the one who is too high and not the one who is too low, Sai Baba is the one who is too close. He is the closest friend who can be trusted with any thoughts. He always knows the way out of any difficult situations ...
Sai Baba is Indra because He completely controls his emotions. And you can also become Indra and you! Sai Baba is one who has never and under no circumstances yields to any of the 6 enemies. Sai Baba is the master of the movement of Shakti to Shiva, and you can also become the master of the movement of Shakti to Shiva, you! The meaning of the incarnation of Avatar Sathya Sai Baba, like all other Avatars, is that God pretended to be an ordinary person in order to prove that man is Divine. And that every embodied being is God! That is, you see a person on the street and you already know that God has incarnated in the same, and then you will see God in any person ...
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