Official music video of the title song of the 9th album, “Requiem For Hell“. To be released on Oct 14, 2016 worldwide.
Directed by Harri Haataja
Filmed by Vesa Ranta
Screenplay by Sayoko Hirai
Edit by Vesa Ranta & Harri Haataja
Assistant in Oulu by Marko Pelkonen
Assistant in Muhos Cosmo Valtanen
Make-ups by Yanski Sova
Special thanks to Morsiusateljee Katariina
Actors are Vilma Alatalo (Beatrice), Aapo-Matti Puhakka (Dante) & Hannu Kangas (Old Man)
Harri Haataja:
Vesa Ranta:
North America / Temporary Residence:
Europe / Pelagic Records:
Japan & Asia / Magniph:
CD: Coming Soon
LP: Coming Soon
--- ALBUM INFO ---
Through echoes of beautiful, gentle soft strings, and the sudden surge of sound explosions, MONO delivers a new album with supreme dynamics as a rock band. This album was produced, recorded and mixed by Steve Albini at Electrical Audio in Chicago, mastered by Bob Weston, and all of the songs were written by MONO’s very own Takaakira “Taka” Goto just for this album. “Requiem For Hell“ is a portrayal of MONO’s true worth, the undoubtedly original orchestration-like range and dynamics.
Steve Albini, the producer and one of the main participants of this album, was already a producer for 3 of MONO’s albums in the past, and just last year, his band Shellac shared their first Japan tour in 23 years as a co-headliner tour with MONO. After the recordings, MONO and Shellac shared the stage again in North America. The mutual trust and respect between the two is a certainty.
The album features 5 songs. Unlike the last album, which re-visited their very first sound, the band introduces strings once again, showing further dynamics and wider range and colours in sounds.
“Requiem For Hell” will be MONO’s 9th album, and scheduled to be released worldwide on October 14th through Temporary Residence (North America), Pelagic Records (UK & Europe) and Magniph/Hostess (Japan & Asia).
美しく、柔らかい繊細な弦の響きから、一転怒涛の轟音が鳴り響く、ロック・バンドとして至上のダイナミクスを獲得した最新作。今作はシカゴのエレクトリカル・オーディオにて、スティーヴ・アルビニがプロデュース/録音/ミックスを担当し、そしてマスタリングはボブ・ウェストンが手がけた。今作の作曲は全てTakaakira “Taka” Gotoが今作のために書き下ろしている。オーケストラにも迫るレンジとダイナミクスを持つ、唯一無二のロック・バンドMONOの真骨頂と言える作品となっている。
今作に全面的に参加しているスティーヴ・アルビニは、これまでMONOの作品3枚のプロデュースを手がけており、また昨年Shellacとして23年振りの来日公演をMONOとのCo-Headliner Tourとして実現させ、今作のレコーディング後もMONOとShellacでUSツアーを行うなど、お互いの深い信頼とリスペクトで結ばれている。
MONOにとって9作目となる“Requiem For Hell”は10/14にワールドワイドで発売予定。北アメリカはTemporary Residence, UK/ヨーロッパはPelagic Records,日本/AsiaはMagniph/Hostessからのリリースとなる。
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