This is Halloween~Penguins of Madagascar

Happy Halloween! Aren’t you scared? No? Well, here is my video especially made for Halloween (obviously...). I wanted to use another song, because this one is not original at all, but... I don’t know many scary songs... (and it was either that or Lordi or AvengedSevenfold. Hem.) At least it hasn’t been done with the Penguins of Madagascar before, right? (I hope...) I started this during the summer holidays, and I almost didn’t do anything the whole month of September, because of school, and because WMM didn’t work. Sometimes, I think that this program really hates me. Seems that the more I make videos, the more it takes me to finish them. ^^“ I wonder if anyone reads my descriptions? Because they seem completely useless... I hope you like this video! *I do not own the penguins of Madagascar or the song* Edit : Quoi?! More than 10 000 views already? Guys, it’s not Halloween anymore... Oh well, thank you! ^^
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