Revival on Palm Sunday - Part 2

On Palm Sunday at @FiveFoldChurch God left us in awe! Here are the highlights of the powerful move of God! We had visitors from all over the US and several nations. God touched His people, freed and healed them and imparted to them so powerfully! 🔥 Go to for details of Sunday Services at 5F Church and go to to see the itinerary of Apostle Kathryn’s Revival Events around the world. . . . #revival #anointing #deliverance #actschurchisback #powerofgod #deliveranceministry #propheticministry #lachurch #losangeles #faith #believe #christian #christianity #jesus #peace #joy #freedom #fivefoldministry #5fchurch #prophetic #healing #inspirational #spiritual #god #revivalisnow
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