10 Most BROKEN BOT LANE COMBOS to ABUSE For Season 11! - League of Legends
10 Best Lane Duos to Abuse in League of Legends
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In this League of Legends pro guide by Skill-Capped we’ll teach you the best bot lane duos you can play to climb elo fast in league of legends for season 11.
0:00 Intro and Giveaway
0:36 Kaisa and Rell
1:28 Tristana and Maokai
2:26 Vel’Koz and Jhin
3:28 Samira and Alistar
4:16 Vayne and Seraphine
5:08 Swain and Nautilus
6:03 Twitch and Lulu
6:58 Draven and Thresh
7:53 Ashe and Bard
8:50 Miss Fortune and Leona
#tierlist #league #skillcapped
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