Gaming on CRT Televisions, PVMs and BVMs :: RGB104 / MY LIFE IN GAMING

We take a look at the benefits of gaming on old-fashioned CRT televisions. We also get into the nitty-gritty of gaming on PVMs and BVMs - the best kind of CRT TVs, which also support RGB! ----- ★ Featured Gear (Affiliate Links) ★ ► If you’d like to purchase SCART cables in the USA :: ► If you’d like to purchase SCART cables or BNC breakout cables in the UK :: ----- ♫ If you’d like to help support the channel, here are some ways to do so ♫ ► Support our endeavors on Patreon :: ► One time donation via PayPal :: ► One time donation of BitCoin and Etherium :: ----- ‼ We receive a small kickback from sales using the following links at no cost to you, with no influence on the content ‼ ► Amazon :: ► If you’d lik
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