Living with Migrants and Crossing the Channel in a Dinghy. A Royal Marine Undercover.

“That is absolutely MENTAL“ ~ Bear Grylls. What is life like inside a notorious migrant camp? How hard or easy is it to cross the English channel in a flimsy 9ft dinghy, undetected, with no planning or resources, something Bear Grylls called me mental for? Whisky and Paul AKA Trampface set off on the adventure of a lifetime to find out! In an exclusive interview, Royal Marine Commando Whisky takes us back to rat-infested footage of illegal migrant camps, a run-in with French Riot Police, a campfire with lads from Sudan and a night alongside them in a jungle tent. After a week living homeless... and undercover in the camps they embark on the unthinkable... an unsupported, poorly planned attempt to cross the busiest shipping channel in the world from France to England... in the dead of an inky black night. Further run ins with Border Force, Customs and the NCA provide an eventful week of living on their toes. @GBNewsOnline @talktv @ForceRadioHQ @DodgeWoodall @VoiceOfWales-vk7mb @CombatArmsChannel Autobiography Never Above, Never Below facebook Insta Twitter / X - @Royal_Marine_LW
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