Kylo Ren - Theme Suite - All Versions
Star Wars - Kylo Ren Theme
This video contains all versions and variants of Kylo Ren’s theme song, played in the three films of the Sequel trilogy: The Force Awakens (2015) - The Last Jedi (2017) - The Rise Of Skywalker (2019)
Some Soundtracks were not officially released, so they were removed from the movie
All Playlists are in order.
I’m NOT making any money from this channel, the purpose of this channel is just to post all the released and unreleased soundtrack of all the movie, series and etc.
Composed By John Williams.
0:00 - Revisiting Snoke - The Last Jedi
0:57 - Han And Leia - The Force Awakens
1:15 - The Jedi Steps And Finale - The Force Awakens
1:57 - Finn’s Journey - The Force Awakens
2:12 - Finn And Poe - The Force Awakens
2:17 - Main Title And Escape - The Last Jedi
2:36 - I Will Finish What You Started - The Force Awakens
2:54 - Mind Games - The Force Awakens
3:19 - Main Title And The Attack On