A Sci-Fi Short Film: “NO|MANKIND“ - by Mehdi Hadi | TheCGBros

TheCGBros Presents “NO|MANKIND“ - by Mehdi Hadi - NOMANKIND is a short film that represents the vision of a machine-dominated society in a near future where humanity is on the verge of extinction due to its own self-destructive nature. For more information, please see the details and links below: TEAM: Created and Directed by Mehdi Hadi Soundtrack by Echoic FOLLOW US BELOW: ►Web - TheCGBros ►Facebook ►Twitter ►Pinterest ►Tumblr FOLLOW THEM BELOW: Director: Sountrack: ———————————————————— We really hope you enjoy watching this video! When you do, please hit the LIKE ✔️ SUB ✔️ SHARE ✔️ button as well as the bell symbol 🔔 so you’ll be kept in the loop as new material is published on our channel! ———————————————————— Help support TheCGBros by purchasing our official Gear!! ►
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