James Cameron rocketed onto the action film scene with 1984’s “The Terminator“ and followed that up with a highly anticipated sequel to the 1979 film, “Alien.“ His film, “Aliens,“ would go on to not only be a financial success, but a critical one and has become a staple of action, science fiction, and effects filmmaking.
But, “Aliens“ also rewards a deeper look through a critical lens in both some positive and not so positive ways.
***Alien and Aliens are the property of 20th Century Fox.
Check out all 15 films we’ll be talking about below!!!
***Film Selection***
Citizen Kane
Where Are My Children?
In the Mood For Love
Do the Right Thing
Lost In Translation
Apocalypse Now
Pan’s Labyrinth
The Limey
Three Colors: Blue
The Eagle Huntress
Beasts of No Nation
2001: A Space Odyssey
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1 week ago 00:03:25 1
In the Love of Alien vs Cat!.. [รักของเอเลี่ยนกับแมว] 💞👽🎵 #สัมภเวไ