Dog Fashion Disco Vomitorium (OFFICIAL LYRIC VIDEO) | New Album Out Now

Dog Fashion Disco’s brand-new album “CULT CLASSIC“ is available now on all major platforms. Listen/Buy: or at Editor: Josh Grosscup aka Odd Macabre oddnmacabre@ Get your tickets for Dog Fashion Disco’s May shows w/ Beneath the Hollow at Social: Website — Twitter — Twitter (Band) — Facebook — Facebook (Band) — #DogFashionDisco #Vomitorium #CultClassic #ThisSowIsMine #GrandExperiment #NewAlbum #Metal #Rock #Alternative #ExperimentalRock #AvantgardeRock #AvantgardeMetal #ExperimentalMetal #FaithNoMore #MrBungle #TwevleFootNinja #TubRing #Ideamen #PolkadotCadaver #AnarchistsofGoodTaste #CommittedtoaBrightFuture
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