Our nature our glory Bhutan for Life M Studio Production Latest Bhutanese Song 2018
Cast: Kinley Yangdon (Haicha), Namgay Dorji, Choeying Jatsho, Deepika Adhikari, Jurmey Choden Rinzin, Nala, Sherab Dorji, Karma Euden Norbu, Kelden Lhamo, Sonam Wangchen and Toep Kinley Tshering.
Special thanks to: WWF Bhutan and Toep Kinley Tshering.
Lyrics, composition and arrangment: Choeying Jatsho
Guitars: Sherab Dorji
Singer: Kinley Yangdon (Haicha), Sherab Dorji, Kelden Lhamo, Jurmey Choden Rinzin and Sonam Wangchen
Music and Mix: M-Studio
Concept design: Choeying Jatsho and Deepika Adhikari
Click here to download the song:
Directed by: Deepika Adhikari
Video and editing: Namgay Wanchuk (DJ)
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