Never Our Fault - Lina Heydrich, an Unrepentant Nazi (part I)

Lina Heydrich is emblematic of the way in which National Socialists have fought through any means necessary, to the point of self-delusion, to avoid facing the consequences of their actions. For many years, Lina Heydrich has been dismissed as nothing more than a poorly-educated Nazi widow, and she has been more than happy to hide under that façade of perceived harmlessness. But in reality, she was clever, shrewd, determined, practical, resourceful and shockingly open about her unchanging political convictions, until the very end of her life. The years in which the Nazi Party existed were the highlight of Lina’s life. The long decades after its bloody end were spent attempting to wash away her husband’s monstrous legacy, caught between hard evidence and wishful thinking, squirming away from uncomfortable questions, closing her eyes to the pain her beliefs, her party and her husband inflicted upon the world. Because in the end, in her eyes and the eyes of many others like her? This was never
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