In 1943 the war had decisively turned against Germany. The Allies had successfully landed in Sicily and pushed into the mainland, the Italians had defected and in the East the Soviets had routed the Germans left, right and centre. Italy in the end was contained and the Germans overran the country, holding the Allies at bay with relative ease. The issue was though that the quick victory, the only hope of a real victory, simply hadn’t come true. In the East the Soviets had seemingly inexhaustible reserves and equipment, the Germans, by comparison, had dwindling amounts of both of these. The Allied aerial superiority, the thing that really mattered in a war of that era, was an ever increasing problem. The Luftwaffe simply couldn’t come. When it came down to the inevitable Allied landings on the continent, most likely France, in 1944, it would be the battle in the air that would play the most important part.
As for Hitler himself, the man was effectively at deaths door. Few men in history have eve
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