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Как ловить крабов.
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Do you want to discover the most picturesque areas of the island? Find yourself in mysterious places near the Witch Bridge and the Secret Reservoir and find out their history? Then call me soon and I’ll show you the fabulous world of Sakhalin Island! We will visit the
most popular places on the island, and if you want to become pioneers, I will take you to places that
not even every local resident knows about.
My name is Anatoly, I invite you to an exciting journey filled with bright events and unforgettable emotions!
What routes are waiting for us?
🌟Cape Giant and Cape Bird
Turquoise lakes and Cape Evstafia
🌟The city of Kholmsk and Cape Slepikovsky
🌟Devil and Witch Bridge
🌟Tikhaya Bay and Klokovsky Waterfall.
Excursions take place in a comfortable Toyota Hiace bus with panoramic hatches and mu
1 view
1 week ago 03:31:33 1
God’s Chosen Ones, 10 Life-Changing Signs of the Holy Spirit’s Presence | The Sacred Light
1 week ago 00:09:46 1
Перловка по-Эстонски! Это бесподобно, слов нет, так вкусно😋