Special thanks to Jamy Matar Deryene, my sister, for readily taking care of the video editing.
This piece was composed for a 110-piece ensemble. I had the chance to conduct it in Bulgaria.
The theme of the cue is a story from the Tolkien legendarium: Beren and Lúthien. “Tinúviel” is a name given by Beren to Lúthien meaning “Daughter of the starry night”. It evokes the evolution of the character of Lúthien in the eyes of Beren.
Bars 1-20 state the first time he sees her dancing in the forests of her father
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The History of Morgoth [COMPILATION] | Tolkien Explained
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Lúthien Tinuviel by J. R. R. Tolkien
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Дарья Бурлюкало - The World Is Not Enough, Бал Забвения (мюзиклы, рок-оперы, Такхизис, Эвридика, Крисания, Лютиэн, Галадриэль)
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Lay of Leithian Silmarillion Лэ о Лэйтиан (fantasy musical Beren Luthien Middle-earth LOTR Tolkien)