designing leftover resin letter • resin for beginners • resin art • resin crafts • diy resin with me

Helloooooooooo fellow crafter ^^ How’s everyone doin? I hope you’re happy and healthy ^^ I’m so thankful for all your presence and support here on my personal space. Love you all, Ejoy Please enjoy the video ^________^ Please SUBSCRIBE and hit the BELL to get notified of my latest uploads. T H A N K Y O U ! ! ! If this video helped you in any ways, you can send your thanks here ^^. Will be very much appreciated ^^ UV RESIN used in this video is from: Use this coupon code for a 10% discount: ejoy’sartspace10%dis Youtube: @JDiction Epoxy Resin Instagram @jdiction_officials Tik...Tok@jdiction_official #jdictioncrafting ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SHOP HERE: Amazon Colorful Letter Beads: 15-cavity silicon mini cupcake mold: AliExpress Mesh Web Nail Art: Quilling Kit: 4 in a Row Mold: Nail Art Film: Resin : UV Resin : Silicon Letter Mold; Alcohol ink: Gold Foils: Key rings with eye screw: Gold 3D Nail Stickers: Stainless Cable Gold Chain: Nail Rhinestones: Mix Nail Decorations; Shop more here: (SHOPEE) Mesh Web nail art: Quilling Kit: 4 in a Row Mold: Nail Embellishments UV Resin Dried flowers Epoxy Resin Key ring Eye Screw Tassel CHUNKY GLITTERS SILICON LETTER MOLD GOLD FLAKES MICA POWDER EYE SCREW DISPOSABLE CUPS TWEEZERS HOLOGRAPHIC LETTERS NATURAL BEACH SAND UV RESIN MINI MANUAL HAND DRILL COMB MOLD DOG TAG MOLD ^______^ Watch my other tutorials here: Resin Name Keychain for Bridesmaids Resin Name Keychain for Groomsmen Wedding Souvenirs Wedding Bouquet Preservation Resin letter keychain design #7 Resin letter keychain design #6 Resin letter keychain design #5 Resin letter keychain design #4 FLOWER GEODE LETTER KEYCHAINS FULL TUTORIAL BEACH-INSPIRED LETTER KEYCHAIN RESIN LETTER STANDEE AESTHETIC UKULELE RESIN FLOWERS RESIN NECKLACE PENDANTS USING EYESHADOW RESIN HAIR CLIPS NAME IN RESIN USING TRANSPARENT VINYL STICKER Resin Beach-inspired Keychains Using Hollow Bezel Pendants Water Effect on Resin RESIN NAME LAMP HOW TO PUT PICTURES IN RESIN
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