Toad Sings Cendrillon

i meant to upload this yesterday, please pretend i upoaded this yestarsay then look at the date alright now move on also disclaimer i didn’t actually hurt my voice making this that was the joke i was acting but i think the coughing was too realistic so imma put this here dont worry i’m fine (the only toad vid that hurt was the first one and the second one less so and this not at all funny how that also scales with how long the videos are) also i thought hitting the high notes would be the hard part but actually the part i struggled with were the lower notes at the beginin tbh i don’t think i did a good job on this i shouldv’e made it on affter effects cuz i actualy know how to mix audio on there but my dumbass did this in premere instead for reasons..... i dont really know nothing about this video beniffited from being in premere and it only harmed it aaaaaand now im having regrets welp too late i dont feel like re-editing this
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