MINION MASTERS 2.1 PATCH NOTES - CRYSTAL WILDS: New Cards / Balance Changes / 100+ Bug Fixes

Minion Masters 2.1 update Crystal Wilds is here! The latest Minion Masters update brings with it 2 new minion cards - Blast Construct and Spire Stag as well as an awesome Mordar skin. In addition to the new content this update features over 100 bug fixes and improvements based on the community’s feedback. Patch Notes: TBA (See on Discord) Minion Masters Discord: Tournaments: Knights Duel (1v1): Fishbowl Brawl (1v1 and 2v2): Minion Memsters (1v1): Watch on Twitch: Get Minion Masters for FREE: Steam: XBOX: Get a Secret Lab chair (affiliated) 00:00 Introduction 00:55 Prologue Upda...te 3:19 New Cards 7:34 New Cosmetics 8:50 Balance Changes 21:24 Bug Fixes 25:26 New Tournaments 28:40 Awkward Wave #minionmasters #mmpatchnotes #mountainsong #crystalwilds @betaDwarf​
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