Turning an Art Movement into a Title Animation: Cubism

Learn how to animate expressive typography in After Effects ► ► Get an extra 10% off of courses with the code MANUEL_DOES_MOTION-10 In this After Effects tutorial, let’s try something new! We’ll take the key characteristics of an art movement and use them to create a title animation. Cubism. ► Download the project file FOR FREE here: Content: 0:00 Intro 0:23 Cubism 4:37 Expressive typography in After Effects 5:10 Animating the letters 7:16 Outro Some of these links are affiliate links. By purchasing through this link I earn some money at NO extra cost to you. It’s a Great way to support my channel! Thanks! ► Software: Adobe After Effects 22 (I use the “Default“ Workspace in my tutorials) If you have any further questions, let me know in the comments below. I do my best to answer all of them! ► Subscribe to my channel here: I am very curious how this tutorial inspired your work! Put the link in the comments below or even better: tag me on Instagram. ► @manueldoesmotion ► ► my website: ► behance: #aftereffectstutorial #animation #motiondesign
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