Substance Painter vs Quixel Mixer - Which should I use? (Beginner’s Guide)

Join my ultimate Substance Painter course here: When learning how to become a texture artist, the learning curve one must climb isn’t always the easiest. As a rule, 3D Software isn’t particularly intuitive, and there are a lot of concepts that any normal person simply would have no reason to know about. If you’re just starting out, even knowing which software to use can be a bit of a puzzle. Texturing software—the topic of today’s video—is no exception, and each software package comes with its strengths, weaknesses, and price points. The two most well-known pieces of software for this purpose are Substance Painter and Quixel Mixer. If you’ve never used texturing software before, what makes it unique from simply painting on the model directly, is the ability to use procedural effects based on the shape of the mesh you’re working on. Before we get into the video, For the beginner, the first step in the process is what we call baking the maps for the low-resolution mesh. Basically what
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