Deva Premal & Miten with Manose and Maneesh de Moor - Kongresshaus Zürich - 30. 5. 2013

1. om om om - 0:43 2. ... - 1:39 3. om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung - 12:20 4. om mani padme hum - 19:56 5. narasimha tava dasoham - 27:10 6. om shreem mahalakshmiyei namaha - 46:28 7. ... - 54:59 8. om shree rama sharanam mama, om shree krishna sharanam mama - 1:01:33 9. ilumina - 1:16:01 10. om bhur bhuvah svah, tat savitur vareniiyam, bhargo devasya dhimahy, dhiyo yo nah pracodayat - 1:23:13 11. ide were were nita ochun, ide were were, ide were were nita ochun, ide were were nita ya, ocha kiniba nita ochun, cheke cheke cheke, nita ya, ide were were - 1:35:05 12. i never was love so deeply - 1:40:41 13. shiva shiva shiva shiva shiva shiva shiva ya - 1:46:30 14. peter makena - fly, fly high, let the earth touch the sky - 2:00:18 15. blues - 2:12:58 16. peter makena - there is so much magnificence, near the ocean, waves are coming in, waves are coming in - 2:20:24 17. here comes the sun - 2:33:09 18. ... - 2:40:11 19. ... - 2:44:25 Camera by
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