Universe size comparison - 3D Animation (from subatomic particles to Universe)
Today , I’ll show you how big is the Universe , we’re going to explore all scales from Planck length to entire Universe.
Disclaimer : please avoid comments like “You forgot [some object]“ , it isn’t an exhaustive video , it’s impossible for me to include all possible objects. I choose the most interesting objects in my opinion.
The complex stuff like buildings , animals , human … are not mine , I’ve picked up some models on Sketchup 3D Warehouse. I have modelised myself small stuff (atoms , virus , cells … ) and spatial stuff (asteroids , planets , stars …)
0:00 Intro
0:16 Subatomic particles
2:14 Atoms and molecules
3:06 Viruses
3:44 Bacterias and cells
5:02 Human scale (animals , objects , vehicles , buildings ...)
8:32 Small moons , pulsars and small black holes
9:42 Big moons , countries and dwarf planets
11:05 Planets and small stars
12:42 Stars
14:18 Nebulas
15:07 Galaxies
15:47 Clusters of galaxies
16:14 Obse