Hobbit Village Ambience 🌙🌲 Night Time At The Shire - Chorus cicadas, occasional rain, windchimes

✨Visit RainRider’s Cozy Corner to learn about the importance of creating a warm & cozy environment in your own home & how to create it: ✨My New RainRider’s Cozy Corner Channel: 🌲✨Afetr spending the day in this peaceful Hobbit village ambience, the sun has set, the birds have quiet down, clearing the way for night creatures such as crickets and cicadas, along with the gentle waves lapping on the lake shore, enchanting windchimes and occasional rain, they form a soothing orchestra to help you fall asleep like an angel. 🌿🌷 I created this ASMR Lord Of The Rings Ambience with nighttime nature sounds to provide you with some soothing environment for you to fall asleep in. ~ If you enjoy this video, please remember to leave a comment, like and subscribe. ❄️ Watch RainRiders Blizzard sounds playlist: ☔ Watch Rain
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