The Hemsworth Hourglass Figure

The primary skeletal traits related to childbearing are the most important physical traits, and trump things that can be faked through surgery (such as Adam’s apples, facial traits). An acute q-angle, a spine with the structural capacity to naturally arch at a high point, and a hip-to-shoulder ratio with hips equal to, or slightly or wider or narrower than shoulders are female primary skeletal markers. FTMs that make it through the highly competitive casting process in a coveted field are often from bloodlines with more masculine females, and may have some tricky traits that make them more passable than some other FTMs that are less well-known, or just members of the regular populace. Just remember to look for the primary skeletal markers that indicate a capability to bear children, and remember just how much testosterone, human growth hormone, and steroids can alter a female body when paired with hormone blockers from a young age.
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