Linus Torvalds sends message to Nvidia 💻 Linux and Nvidia
Linus Torvalds , Linux vs Nvidia.
software engineer who is the creator and historically the principal developer of the Linux kernel, which is the kernel for Linux operating systems distributions other operating systems such as Android and Chrome OS. He also created the distributed version control system Git and the scuba dive logging and planning software Subsurface He was honoured along with Shinya Yamanaka with the 2012 Millennium Technology Prize by the Technology Academy Finland “in recognition of his creation of a new open source operating system for computers leading to the widely used Linux kernel He is also the recipient of the 2014 IEEE Computer Society Computer Pioneer Award and the 2018 IEEE Masaru Ibuka Consumer Electronics Award on Soome-Ameerika tarkvaraarendaja peamiselt tuntud operatsioonisüsteemi tuuma Linux autorina ist ein finnisch-US-amerikanischer Informatiker und Software-Entwickler ist der Initiator sowie die treibende Kraft bei der Entwicklung des Linux-Kernels dessen Entwicklung er bis heute koordiniert. Außerdem ist er der Erfinder des Versionsverwaltungssystems Git suomalais-yhdysvaltalainen tietotekniikan asiantuntija, ohjelmoija ja hakkeri joka aloitti 1990-luvulla Linux-käyttöjärjestelmäytimen kehittämisen ja on edelleen sen projektikoordinaattori Hän asuu Portlandissa Oregonissa yhdessä vaimonsa ja kolmen tyttärensä kanssa ja työskentelee Linux Foundation -säätiön rahoittamana kokopäiväisesti Linux-ytimen parissa Microsoft virus Windows 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 bugs вирус Apple Titan RTX perustuu samaan Turing GeForce RTX 2070 new news 2080 RTX 2080 Ti iPhone bug iPad MPG Trident A 10th- ja MPG Trident AS 10th MSI руководство iWatch iCar iHome iRobot monitor phone CTS Labs AMD:n Ryzen Epic -suorittimista ”kriittisiä haavoittuvuuksia program ram bug pro prog lumia Nokia русский LG Kees Cook программа Samsung spy Sony box Россия x playstation xbox russia buy saltfish android spy map карта agent kat Приложение maps here car dog salt apps best app игра apps camera new 4k fish full uhd яблоко hd angry mad google at in on of off out kind airport bug bugs phone smart cell tab the a eat an plus k g x x k g hacker hack Corporation is hotel an American technology company incorporated in Delaware and based in Santa Clara California graphics processing units GPUs for the gaming, cryptocurrency and professional markets as well as system on a chip units SoCs for the mobile computing and automotive market Its primary GPU product line labeled GeForce is in direct competition with Advanced Micro Devices AMD Radeon products Nvidia expanded its presence in the gaming industry with its handheld Shield Portable Shield Tablet and Shield Android TV mobile computing market where it produces Tegra mobile processors for smartphones and tablets as well as vehicle navigation and entertainment systems In addition to AMD competitors include Intel Qualcomm and Arm e.g. because of Denver while Nvidia also licenses Arm’s designs new Linux Linusin ohjelmakoodi prosentin OMGUbuntu super computer e-mails of the celebrated programmer Linus Torvalds land like thunderbolts from on high onto public lists full of invective insults demeaning language “Please just kill yourself now world will be a better place he wrote in one Guys this is not a dick-sucking contest he observed in another SHUT THE FUCK UP he began in a third Torvalds has publicly posted thousands of scathing messages targeting programmers who submit what he deems flawed code to the Linux computer-operating-system kernel, which he brought to life more than twenty-five years ago and now administers as a collaborative open-source project kernel is famous running the enormous computers of Google PayPal Amazon eBay two billion mobile phones using the Android operating system retains final say over each precious line of code just as he did when he first started working on the system as a graduate student at the University of Helsinki. For years, he has been known as Linux’s benevolent dictator for life Linux’s élite developers who are overwhelmingly male, tend to share their leader’s aggressive self-confidence. There are very few women among the most prolific contributors, though the foundation and researchers estimate that roughly ten per cent of all Linux coders are women Everyone in tech knows about it, but Linus gets a pass He’s built up this cult of personality this of importance Ли́нус Бенедикт То́рвальдс или Ту́рвальдс финно-американский программист хакер Воодушевлённый прочтением книги Эндрю Таненбаума, посвящённой операционной SATA/PCIe combo системе Minix Линус создал Linux ядро операционной системы GNU/Linux являющейся на данный момент самой распространённой из свободных операционных Core i7 систем DDR4-2666 64 а также наиболее популярной серверной ОС С 1997 по 2003 год Линус работал в известной компании После этого организовал 2025 2022 2023 2024 flu new Tesla Amazon Samsung elon musk Russia Russian app apps
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