First Look Inside Blue Origin’s New Glenn Factory w/ Jeff Bezos!

Join Jeff Bezos for a tour inside Blue Origin’s New Glenn Production Facility at Cape Canaveral, Florida. This video was shot on May 30th, 2024. 00:00 - Intro 00:40 - Interview Starts [Lobby] 05:20 - Recovering Saturn V Engines 08:35 - Tank Production 16:40 - Second Stage 23:50 - Aft Section 33:15 - Forward Section 42:08 - Machine Shop 51:35 - Payload Adapter and Fairings 1:00:00 - Engines 1:11:20 - Outro -------------------------- Want to support what I do? Consider becoming a Patreon supporter for access to exclusive livestreams, our discord channel! - Or become a YouTube member for som...e bonus perks as well! - The best place for all your space merch needs! All music is original! Check out my album “Maximum Aerodynamic Pressure“ anywhere you listen to music (Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, etc) or click here for easy links -
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