Listen/Buy: “Sing Till I Cry“ is taken from IAN SWEET’s new album, Show Me How You Disappear, out March 5, 2021. Made by IAN SWEET & Will Duncan Edited by Will Duncan Lyrics: I stared at the sun It took me awhile to tell someone What I saw Then I started to run Couldn’t slow my speed But I’m havin’ fun chasing after no one There’s still spots in my eyes From lookin’ up at the skies What gives you up? What makes you cry? What gives you up What you gives you love You’re givin’ up all your love You’re givin’ up all your love I broke the promise I knew I’d never keep I wanted to tell you I wanted you to see What I saw What I saw But there’s still spots in my eyes But I’ve never felt more alive Knowing I can’t see a thing Knowing I can’t see a thing What gives you up What you gives you love You’re givin’ up all your love You’re givin’ up all your love #IANSWEET #SingTillICry #ShowMeHowYouDisappear © 2021 Polyvinyl Record Co. Polyvinyl Mailing List: https
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