Prince Charles outside Buckingham Palace (1950)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit A vehicle brigade with Prince Charles drives outside Buckingham Palace on Whitsun (White Sunday) in 1950 Full Description: ENGLAND: London: Westminster: Buckingham Palace: EXT BUCKINGHAM PALACE Car leaves Palace with Prince Charles inside through masses of people in Whitsun Weekend PRINCE CHARLES. Prince Charles drives from Buckingham Palace in car with nurse Royalty holiday, holidays, Pentacost, religion, Prince of Wales, Duke of Rothesay, Duke of Cornwall, Prince Charles of Edinburgh, Royal Family Background: A vehicle brigade with Prince Charles drives outside Buckingham Palace on Whitsun (White Sunday) in 1950 FILM ID: VLVA9QVRGWIYEH6V07MU5XTEGIWO0 To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Path
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