Flash Photography Auto Mode - 3 Ways To Get Better Photos With On Camera Flash in Auto Mode

Flash Photography Auto Mode - 3 Ways To Get Better Photos With On Camera Flash in Auto Mode. Are you taking photos in Auto Mode on your DSLR and finding that the flash keeps popping up and ruining your photos? You get those washed-out, bland, bluh looking images? In this video I’m going to give you 3 ways to solve this problem. Check out all my photography gear and also get your hands on your very own “Photographers Like It Raw“ t-shirt here - 01:04 - The first and most obvious thing you can do is just turn off the flash! Your camera should have an Auto Mode with no flash. Simply find that in your menu, turn it on and hey-presto?! You’ve stopped the flash from popping up and you will get a much better, more natural looking image.
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