This is fan-made video. All credit goes to original content makers, CAPCOM, LTD. All rights are reserved. This video is NOT monetized.
This track is a mix of vocals of Lollia, Adriana Figueroa and Ali Edwards, best female singers I’ve ever heard! And like ’Male Vocals Version’ of my DT, it was made in the summer too and I’ve tried to make Lollia and Ali’s voices sound on diiferent stereo tracks (’cause their voices sound too similar lmao).
Oh yeah, this vid is made in widescreen format (1920 x 804), and I’m able do it in a standard Full HD resolution (1920 x 1080) if you want!
With all that being sad, enjoy!
S O U R C E S:
D O W N L O A D:
E D I T E D B Y:
5 months ago 00:06:00 1
Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody (Official Video Remastered)