Songs That Changed Music: Chic - Le Freak

➡️➡️Join the Produce Like A Pro Academy here: ➡️➡️Learn more about Chic’s ’Le Freak’ here: ➡️➡️Download the FREE ’Le Freak’ Guitar and Bass Tab here: ➡️➡️Watch “Songs That Changed Music: Chic - Good Times“ here: ➡️➡️Watch our other Songs, Artists, and Albums That Changed Music videos here: ➡️➡️Check out some of Warren’s Favourite Gear here: ➡️➡️Visit Adrian Woodward on Youtube here: ➡️➡️Visit Julia Hofer on Instagram here: ➡️➡️Check out Julia’s incredible playlist of Bass riffs: ➡️➡️Visit Bob Clearmountain on Instagram here: 0:00 Start 5:37 A
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