“Nanquan“ by Yang Shi Wen

Copyright by Video Source: ’Yang Shi Wen is called as the “King of Nan Quan” (Southern Fist). He had an unforgettable style, SPEED and especially EXPLOSIVENESS that was unrivalled in his time and even today. Speed is simply getting to point A and point B as fast as possible. Explosiveness means to accelerate at a high rate and to have a type of dynamic quality that makes you get taken aback like “Woah!” Yang Shi Wen had that kind of quality and effect.’ ’What make him so unique? First, his choreography was so unparalleled. He has a very unique style in which he would throw about 5-8 punches per second while he was in a stance or in between stances or transitioning stances very quickly. His punches would all fire at a rapid pace with power and precision in every technique. Also, the choreography was very fresh and interesting with very little repetition with a variety of techniques including some good traditional techniques. However, he put together movements and combinations that athletes of his time did not think of nor consider. This made him into some type of traditionalist, old school innovator with a modern athlete’s perspective. Yang Shi Wen had an explosiveness that was unparalleled. In modern days there are more explosive athletes in than Yang Shi Wen. However, he had a better Nan Quan foundation than most of these modern day athletes.’
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