How to Model Peeling Paint on Wood

If there is one thing modellers love, it’s old decrepit buildings, well worn and with peeling paint. There are a number of ways to reproduce that look in miniature but my favourite, if you are using wood as the modelling material, is the Chuck Doan Method. Chuck is an amazing modeller and it’s always worth looking at his models for inspiration. This is a really simple method using a solvent to act as a barrier to stop the paint adhering fully and so being easy to peel off with sticky tape. It really is simple so do have a go! Materials Wood stained with: Isopropyl Alcohol (I buy 100% but you can use rubbing alcohol instead) Black india ink Turps or Methylated (Mineral) Spirits Tamiya paint X-acto saw blade or knife Scotch Magic or other sticky tape Index 00:14 The Real World 00:32 Method 05:53 Final Result 06:22 Mini Kathys If you are enjoying the series then please subscribe for the next weekly instalment.
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