Druga novosadska liga / FK Miletić Mošorin - FK Titel 6:1 (1:0) / Mošorin, 13. 11. 2022.

0:00 Start & Mošorin & Stadion / Stadium & Druga novosadska liga / Second Novi Sad league & Prvenstvena utakmica / Championship gam FK Miletić Mošorin - FK Titel 0:10 Prvo poluvreme / First halftime 13:00 Kraj prvog poluvremena & Publika na tribinama stadiona u Mošorinu / End of the first half & The audience in the stands of the stadium in Moshorin Fudbalski savez Srbije / Football Association of Serbia & Fudbalski savez Vojvodine / Football Association of Vojvodina Fudbalski savez grada Novog Sada / Football association of the city of Novi Sad ..... Druga novosadska liga / Prvenstvena utakmica FK Miletić Mošorin - FK Titel 6:1 (1:0) Mošorin, 13. 11. 2022. #mosorin #fktitel #fkmileticmosorin #sport #sports #fudbal #football #backa #vojvodina #srbija #serbia #utakmica #match #fss #fsv #fsvojvodine #jesen #autumn #vasariste #stadion #sportskicentar #drugano
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