KRYON - Redefining “Higher Vibration“

KRYON - Redefining “Higher Vibration“ The word vibration has been used in so many different contexts. For example, the vibration of the planet, or a higher vibration of consciousness. Vibrating higher is a metaphor. What does a high vibrating consciousness mean? It’s a consciousness that thinks of love and compassion. What if we replace the idea of higher vibration with deeper wisdom? Someone with deep wisdom is who you want to hang around with. Old Souls have a toolbox that contains tools for achieving deeper wisdom. The tools work with your intent and visualizing yourself as wise. “Dear Spirit, show me the wisdom I might have. I give permission to go to the next level.” What does a wise Old Soul bring to the planet? Peace on Earth. Wisdom is the key. Wisdom gives better choices. “Dear Spirit, give me the wisdom to know what I should do.” “Dear Spirt, give me the wisdom to know what choices I should make.” That is vibrating higher.
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