Better Track Technique Get more from Plyometrics

In this video coach John Shepherd () provides information on a subject that does not get a lot of attention - bounding and other plyometric exercise technique. Many athletes from all sports do plyos, yet many probably aren’t instructed on how best to do these exercises. John talks about joint angles, arm action and ground contact time and also what exercises to include in a training session and how many reps to do. Eccentric drop jumps and plyometric drop jumps are also considered. They’ll be more on these in a follow-up video. NEE VIDEOS MOST FRIDAYS! If you are interested in the freelap ...timing system and possible discounts then contact John directly #plyometrics #longjump #trackworkouts #track #howtolongjump #howtotriplejump #howtosprint #howtosprintfaster TRACK VALLEY CLOTHING DISCOUNT Track Valley reached out to Coach Shepherd to offer a discount on their athletic and streetwear T-shirts and hoodies and other great gear
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