First Impressions On: Zombies Ate My Neighbors TC [Doom 2 TC]

On this episode of First Impressions, we delve into a Doom-flavored first-person remake of classic SNES game Zombies Ate My Neighbors. While not meant as a 100% faithful 1-1 conversion, it does mostly follow the layout and progression of the original levels. Just like the original, our goal in each level is to find and rescue as many of the survivors as we can before any of the wide variety of monsters can touch them, and then hop in the exit portal that appears after the last one is rescued or slain. We also have a variety of tools at our disposal, from water guns to weed whackers to a bazooka. You can find me on Twitter at: Join our Discord at: Shoot me an email at: shadefyre343@ Or toss a coffee my way at: #zombiesatemyneighbors #gzdoom #mod
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