Crystal Music: Water Moving Through Chalcedony Stalactite Plays Eurorack Modular Synthesizer

Formed by dripping silica rich water millions of years ago this chalcedony stalactite gets a chance to play synthesizer. Wetting the crystal allows for a galvanic response as the water moves through the capillary tunnels of the mineral and also evaporates. Listen to the sounds of water drying… literally… well not really literally because what your hearing is the sounds of a eurorack modular at synthesizer. However the control voltage and gates fueling this massive beast are all derived from the changes in electrical resistance of water moving through a crystal. Thanks for watching! If you crystals and would like to support this channel check out my wife’s crystal shop use coupon code mycolyco20 for 20% off. I do not receive a commission for sales at Mandala Gems… but my wife does pay most of the bills 😂😂😭😭 Thanks everyone for your support!! #crystal #crystals #crystalsforsale #crystalhealing #crystalmusic #chalcedony
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