Lose Belly Fat for Six Pack Abs

If getting abs is your fitness goal, these fat loss exercises and ab workouts will help you build a six pack the healthy way. Discover the complete guide on how to lose belly fat and get six-pack abs. Our step-by-step approach will help you achieve your fitness: 00:00 Lying Leg Raise (Modified) 00:38 Lying Leg Raise on Floor (bent knees) 1:12 Rest 30secs 1:21 Elevated Knee Tucks 1:55 Lying Tuck Up Knee Tap 2:30 Rest 30secs 2:40 Leg Extension Star Crunch 3:14 Alternate Leg Pull 3:48 Rest 30secs 3:57 Half Seated Leg Circle 4:37 Opposite Crunch 5:17 Rest 30secs 5:25 Wide Plank Side Taps 6:01 Pla...nk Leg Lift 6:35 Rest 30secs 6:43 Reverse Crunch Leg Drops 7:18 Elevated Cycling Belly fat exercises, flat abs: For losing belly fat and weight in general, your total calorie intake needs to be less than the calories you. lose belly fat and get six pack abs! #fat #abdominal #belly #abs
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