Raycasting with Geometry Nodes | Blender 3.0 tutorial

In this video I will showcase some of the core functions of the Raycast node and teach you how to create two cool effects with it! Raycasting might sound like an overly complex and intimidating thing to try to get a grip on, and doubly so if it’s in an environment that you might still not be completely comfortable with like geometry nodes. So I hope that with this video I will provide a tool for you to start experimenting with what I think is one of the most powerful nodes available right now. As usual, the final .blend file is available on my Patreon, and this time, apart from the setup I create in the video, it also contains some more functionality for the Scanner effect, namely the ability to cast proper rays even when rotating the scanner plane. Thanks for watching! ========== Patreon: (.blend file available here) Discord: Instagram: | https://instag
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