This talk will be composed of two parts: one part is extending Petri nets to deal with multiple types of objects and the other part is about enforcing Petri nets to be lucent, i.e., there cannot be two markings that enable the same set of transitions. Both parts are inspired by requirements from process mining. From an object-centric event log, we want to discover an object-centric Petri net with places that correspond to object types and transitions that may consume and produce collections of objects of different types. Object-centric Petri nets visualize the complex relationships among objec
...ts from different types. Whereas object-centric Petri nets extend traditional Petri nets, lucency limits the class of Petri nets to models where states are fully characterized by the transitions they enable. For process mining, this seems to be relevant property. If the process has two different states enabling the same set of transitions, process discovery becomes more challenging. We can show that all free-choice netsShow more