Batman discovers who Jack the Ripper | Batman: Gotham by Gaslight

Batman: Gotham by Gaslight (2018) Batman discovers who Jack the Ripper Batman: Gotham by Gaslight Playlist: Film discription: In an alternative Victorian Age Gotham City, Batman begins his war on crime while he investigates a new series of murders by Jack the Ripper. Director: Sam Liu Cast: Bruce Greenwood (Bruce Wayne / Batman), Jennifer Carpenter (Selina Kyle), Anthony Head (Alfred Pennyworth), Yuri Lowenthal (Harvey Dent), Scott Patterson (James Gordon), Kari Wuhrer (Barbara Gordon / Pamela Isley), William Salyers (Hugo Strange) DC Comics TM & © Warner Bros. #Batman If you like ’DC Comics’ - welcome! “come together, right now!“ SUBSCRIBE:
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