Куйбышев (Самара) / Kuybyshev (Samarа) : 1955

Куйбышев (Самара) на фотографиях 1955 года Kuybyshev (Samarа) in photographs from1955 Music: Самара - Родина моя! - Евгений Войнов / Samara - My Homeland sung here by Evgeny Voinov Samara, known from 1935 to 1991 as Kuybyshev in honour of the Soviet party and state figure Valerian Vladimirovich city is located at the confluence of the Volga and Samara Rivers. Samara was founded in 1586 as a guard the Soviet years, the city was closed to foreigners as it was a major Industrial centre of the USSR, with aviation and space industries being set up... Yuri Gagrain made the first ever sp...ace flight by man, from here.....
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