I have disabled all comments because I can’t be bothered deleting and blocking nasty spiteful people anymore.
By the way this video is from when she had just released Back to Black. She was still with her ex Alex, and was not into drugs yet. People seem quick to say she looks like a “crackhead“, but she wasn’t.
For 8 years Amy’s music has had an enormous impact on me. Both her albums came out at times when significant relationships in my life ended, her songs were were soundtracks to my tears, and love letters to my ears. Her lyrics, wit and captivating voice hit a nerve in me, she knocked me sideways, suckerpunched me in the guts whilst holding my hand. She was my Elvis, my Beatles - a woman that spoke to me, represented me and I loved her for it. I don’t know about the longevity of much popular music made today but I know in 30, 40, 50 years time people will still be listening to Amy. There will be many more people like me along the way, drawn into her talent and keeping her legacy alive.
The lesson in her “demise“ is one that has been played out so many times before. No one should have to put up with paps following them around. I have no doubt that this harassment of Amy destroyed her ability to live a “normal“ life, and as a result destroyed her life completely. Anyone that ever pushed a camera in her face, blocked her way as she tried to walk down the street, all those people that kept clicking away at a woman on the edge - you are scum, lower than the pieces of shit on my shoe. You are the lowest of the low. Every piece of crap you bought with your money is soaked in blood. You should be ashamed to even exist on the back of others misery.
Do not buy their shitty little rags.
- 14 Sept 2011