Screech Owl having a bath and then being dried. / フクロウのクウちゃん、水浴びから乾燥まで

Kuu the Screech Owl having a bath and then being dried. Screech Owl Loves a Wash and Blowdry Time of five months after the birth The name is kuu Western Screech Owl April 27, 2013 Japan birth 200 g in weight Probably it is male The size that founded a wing is approximately 60cm.( in) KUU OWL Channel twitter ----------- ちょっと長い動画ですが、ニシアメリカオオコノハズクのクウちゃんの水浴びの後、ドライヤーで乾かしますが、ドライヤーの風が大好きです。 ドライヤーの
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