Friday Freakout: Skydiver Has Premature Opening On Horny Gorilla Exit
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*** What happened ***
These skydivers did a chill horny gorilla exit that was going pretty well... until it wasn’t. Once the back of their containers were exposed to the relative wind, one of the jumper’s had a premature opening. As the pilot chute goes screaming past his head, he realized what was happening and quickly tried to clear the bridle. Either due to his efforts, or just naturally, the bridle slipped out from under his arm and the main canopy inflated without any issues.
*** Why did it happen ***
Improperly stowed pilot chute?
This container looks freefly-friendly. So, the most likely cause of this incident is the pilot chute catching the relative wind. Direct exposure of the container to the relative wind during a horny gorilla like this one creates a lot of drag on any exposed