A young woman receives a series of threatening phone calls before a trip to the the newest KP short film SCREAM inspired by the series of iconic horror films.
Written and Directed by
Joey Koenig
Produced by
Francisco Simplicio
Joey Koenig
Executive Producers
Jim Koenig
Becky Koenig
Original characters by
Kevin Williamson
Director of Photography
Urvashi Bhasin
Edited by
Joey Koenig
Original Score Composed by
Joey Koenig
Westin Peckels
Featuring songs by
Dub osborn
Rebecca Gomberg Lindsey
Veronica Poston Annie
Samuel Moore Ghostface (Voice)
Leslie Peckels Dispatcher 1
Mark Peckels Dispatcher 2
Westin Peckels Ghostface (Double)
In Honor of Wes Craven
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